X Force Keygen __TOP__ Composite 2008 Download
Four-point bending tests according to (DIN EN 1288-3:2000-09 2000) examine the load-bearing behaviour and calculate the linear composite stiffness and glass stress response. Minimum five test specimens per series were loaded up to a force level of 400 N (load application speed of 400 N/min) at \(+23^\circ \hbox C\). A detailed description and evaluation of composite load-bearing tests are presented in (Hána and Weller 2019b). Axial strain gauges on the glass surfaces (centre top and bottom) and vertical displacement sensors in the centre, centre edge and below one bending roller (see Fig. 14) recorded the strains in x direction and deflections in z direction. Two series, 1ANG-6PMMA-1ANG and 2ANG-6PMMA-2ANG, were tested. Monolithic 8 mm (FTG) thick glass and laminated glass composed of two layers of 4 mm ANG with a standard PVB interlayer with a thickness of 0.76 mm (LG 44.2 - PVB) were tested to compare the load-bearing behaviour to conventional glass panels.
X Force Keygen Composite 2008 Download
An FE model for the simulation of the composite load-bearing behaviour is developed following the four-point bending test setup. The material parameters for glass according to Table 1 assume linear isotropic elasticity. The user defined material parameters implement the linear isotropic elastic properties of the PMMA interlayer core according to Table 6. Prony series coefficients from (Andreozzi et al. 2014) describe the complex viscoelastic material behaviour for a standard PVB interlayer in laminated glass. All solid bodies of the composite are bonded assuming full force transmission at the interfaces between the individual layers. Based on the preliminary convergence study with refined meshing and multiple segmentations over the thickness, the appropriate mesh size is set to 5 mm. Mid-size nodes in Solid186 elements with full integration of quadratic elements serve for proper identification of stress distributions. Table 7 introduces the simulation properties. 076b4e4f54